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I think I could turn and live with animals

Walt Whitman wrote in ‘Song of myself ‘, “I think I could turn and live with animals, they are so placid and self contained…Not one is respectable or unhappy over the whole earth. “

I often ponder over this as i sit in my garden amidst a world where there is no worry nor divide.

The bees work tirelessly in and out of flowers buzzing with the same intensity that they did at morn.

The cuckoo sings melodious songs with the same fervor as she did yesterday and the day before.

Butterflies tease each other playfully floating without a care in the world.

The cats yawn lazily as they settle for a nap and how the happy squirrels chase each other chirping out a din.

As I peer over the gate beyond the garden the contrast of the human world hits me like wave. Seldom do i find a face that is not set un anger or worry, smiles are far from few in between. Some brood and mutter, others they curse. Always in a hurry yet without purpose.

As my gaze turns back to my garden I too think I would be better off living with animals.


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